About Us

In the spring of 2010, three organizations, the Red Deer and District Allied Arts Council, Cultural Charter Partners of Red Deer and District, and the Cultural Development Association of Red Deer (Culture Link) merged to form the Red Deer Arts Council.

The purpose of all three groups was to bring arts and culture to the fore in our community. Their objective has been to develop the artists, the arts and culture delivery system, arts and culture engagement, and audience development.

The Red Deer Arts Council, will create a vibrant community for literary, performing and visual artists and cultural organizations. Our organization will build on the past history, experiences, and talents of its founding members to create a stronger and more viable organization that will thrive and grow into the future.

Vision Statement

Red Deer Arts Council will continue to be a leader in a dynamic community that celebrates the arts.

Mission / Mandate

To inspire, support, and stimulate arts and culture in Red Deer through education, advocacy and programming.


A page to house our Board Meeting Minutes and other Important Documents fundamental to the principles of the Red Deer Arts Council organization.

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