Winter Chill - Poetry

Photo by Fineas Anton on Unsplash

Snowy Owl in a Cardboard Box

by Judy Brownlee


From a wildlife rescue centre.

A new life to begin

No more broken bones,

No more pain.

No more fear.

No more captivity.

A white, frozen landscape.

The cropland hardened in winter's grip.

Crystal stubble fields.

A low-lying sun casting long shadows.

Ice crystals like diamonds in the drifts.

Carry the heavy box to the ditch.

Carefully set it down.

Make no sounds.

Let one person handle the carton.

Open the flaps quickly

And step far back.

As the giant, pristine white wings reach up,

The snowy owl presses off with its black-taloned feet

And soars quickly.

The feathered creature flies a short distance,

Perches on an old fence post,

Looks back at us,

Then glances around at its new, silent workd.

As we slowly drive away,

The stunning bird sits,

Still and alone.

It’s Cold

Written by Jeremy Robinson

Rejoice friends for it is cold

We are Mother Nature’s children

Both young and old

She has ceased the sun’s power

Freezing every moment of the hour

Of the hurly burly urgencies

Of life’s little emergencies

Stay safe inside

Find what was denied

Huddle, cuddle, snuggle

No worries to juggle

Seek shelter, seek solace

Seek peace in all of us

Declare an amnesty

For all of humanity

Be still in your silence

Be warm in your defiance

Reset, and replenish

Stay till the finish

The heat will return in all of its blaze

But embrace the cold and linger in these days.


By Clara Spencer

Laughter echoes longer,

and were all bundling up.

Mitts, toques, rosy cheeks.

Steps crunch louder,

and we’re all slipping ‘round.

Shovels, salt, tingling fingers.

Sun sets sooner,

and we’re all heading in.

Fireplace, slippers, thawing toes.

Night sky seems so bright,

and we’re all warming up.

Soup, hot chocolate, runny noses.

Temps keep dropping.

and we’re all under covers.

Blankets, quilts, resting bodies.

Winter Dog
By Melanie Holland

Snuggled in my blanket
Hot tea warming me.
I hear a quiet whimper
A gentle tap of a paw.
I see Odin’s big brown eyes
Snout tilted to the side.
“Really” I sigh “The dog park?”

Phone reads -17C
-25 with the windshield.
Dog is restless, needs to run
Loves the snow, the cold.
Mentally prepare for the walk
positive thoughts, find joy.
Layer up, bundle up, lace up
Odin’s tail is wagging, he is ready.

Car grumbles as it starts
Cold air escapes the vents.
At the roundabout, Odin is alert
Knows we are almost there.
Arrive at the icy parking lot
Will miss the heated seat.
Odin leaps to the front
Leash is tethered, its time.

Boots crunch on ice, snow
Sharp intake of breath.
Eager to be free,
Odin pulls Pass through the gates.
Odin’s excitement amplifies
Leash released; off he streaks.
Pounces, sniffs, finds a friend
Running, wrestling, pure exhilaration.

Steps are heavy, awkward
Snow pants limit movements.
Eyes and nose drip and leak
Cheeks freeze and burn.
Glasses fog, all is a blur
Pass other owners, eyes meet.
Smiles underneath scarves
Unspoken kin connection.

Keep walking, feel lighter
Acclimatized to the frosty day.
Heart merry, fresh attitude
Happy, dogs and people alike.
Laugh at silly dogs, small and large
Rolling in snow, chasing balls.
Winter blues dissipating
Dogs carefree, owners resilient.

Time to depart, no pulling now
In the car, Odin lays with a thump.
Shed winter gear, cheeks rosy
Body relaxed, peaceful.
Ice crystals melt,
Eye lashes and whiskers sparkle.
Home again, more cheerful
Thanks, Odin, for the bright idea.

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